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Drama 4'57'' 4K, Color 

Year 2023

Performed by Lisa L , Rain L

filmed / edited / directed by adaqiying


《时空差》 试图通过现场即兴的肢体语言与后期的探索拼接的影像语言再匹配,呈现一幅由三个纯粹主体理解、演示、拼接构成的关系全景因。西西弗式的交替上坡高潮,来自双人指尖的第一次触碰。时间与空间在当下的错位不仅体现在动作上的延迟,也将这一具有差异的感受普世化。个体的彼此融合与分裂,主体与自我/自然的联系,以及一种模糊、暖味、具体、操纵、凝视的关系,都或许是我们在不同时空会拥有的生命体验。

GAPPING attempts to create a panoramic view of relationship composed of three individuals that understand, demonstrate, and piece together a visual film through a combination of improvised physical theatre and visual exploration. It embodies a Sisyphean alternating climax, originating from the first touch of fingertips. The temporal and spatial dislocation in the present moment is not only reflected in the delay of actions, but also universalizes this experiential difference. The fusion and fragmentation of individuals, the connection between subject and self/nature, as well as a relationship characterized by ambiguity, specificity, manipulation, gaze, and blur, may all be life experiences we possess in different time and space.

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